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#Python Development

A Complete Guide On Chatbot Development Budget

By Dharmesh Patel

May 21, 2021/41,875

Chatbot development  is one of those AI pillars that has taken the level of customization to the core. Businesses these days majorly rely on chatbots in order to augment customer engagement and turn them into prospects. 

The fact that chatbots  are equivalently popular among baby boomers and millennials, increases the user base of the technology to a great extent.

Having noticed the gigantic adoption of chatbots, the concept of chatbot development is taking place in every next business. Businesses that are yet to launch chatbot development are looking forward to in-depth guidance to prep up the budget accordingly. 

In a nutshell, today we are going to frame in the complete guide on the chatbot development budget and other significant aspects as well.

Image source: https://i.gifer.com/7BZk.gif

Value Of Chatbot Development In The Market:

By the time we enter 2024, the market value of Chatbots will reach $1.34 Billion a number that is driven by the inception of disruptive technologies like Machine Learning solutions and Artificial Intelligence in the chatbot mechanism.

From the facile rules, specific chatbots were developed to work on uncomplicated issues to cloud-based self-learning bots that are created to perceive the user intent and automatically modify the output. There are different perspectives about this very concept of “chatbot development”. No matter how it varies in every field, chatbots are being extensively used to ease down the processes.

The fact that chatbots have proved themselves to be this functional globally, has prepared them to contribute $1250 million by 2025.

Chatbot Development Process:

We not necessarily have to mention that the core factor influencing the price of chatbot development is the work being done to develop the product. However, the process of development is generally split into multiple phases.

Having a general notion can help you estimate the overall expenditure that will be put into the chatbot development. Here we will present to you the generic process that is being carried out to develop a chatbot.

1. Discover The Category

Initially, we define the project purpose and value proposition. We define objectives, expectations, and metrics. Having an in-depth perception of what you want a chatbot to do and the ways it can revamp your business enables us to determine an appropriate development plan. These specific factors help you create a better and clear outline of chatbot development, here what you need to see.

It all is dependent on the size of your business

What business are you into? The category of chatbot is based-up on the very thing.
Although the question is pretty simple, this step is the most crucial for in-depth analysis since the results of this phase decide the following chatbot development stages.

The discovery phase is about studying what business has, wants, and needs. Thus, the next move is to recognize the necessities and functional units of a chatbot, such as:

  • Conversational Flow
  • Control Panel
  • Interaction Channels
  • Integration
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Backend

You also need to decide how the chatbot will be built. It is again the most imperative aspect that affects chatbot pricing. Below are the two prime options for you to choose from:

You are also required to determine how the chatbot will be created.

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Developing a custom solution

It pretty much brings in ease to get a chatbot that is developed as per your requirements, preferences, and strategies. This way, you are not bound by any platform abilities; although, the support and maintenance of such a bot lie under your responsibility.

Creating a bot on top of a bot-platform

Creating a chatbot deploying an existing platform is something that helps you save through bigger budgets. Such services run on a subscription basis and charge monthly fees (sometimes basic functionality is offered for free). Although, there are added fees for personalization, and frequently the final sum you pay is equivalent to the sum you’d pay for a custom solution.

2. Prototype Implementation And Evaluation Phase 

A prototype is a piece that does not encompass all the functionality of the final product (it is made to test the model ability). It can be code-based or simply in the form of a mockup (the choice relies on the chatbot’s complexity). A prototype enables you to learn many important factors. It is created to confirm some integral functional aspects of the intended design,  or in other words, to conduct an analysis for an in-depth study of the model’s usage. 

Once the prototype is designed, it is discussed with the client. The client and the developers are then able to validate the requirements, outline choices, and make modifications if required. The risks and costs associated with software implementation are relatively reduced, as the requirements are well-discussed at the very first stage, prior to the development process. 

Basically, the cost of a chatbot prototype falls between $3,000-$5,000.

AI chatbot development

3. Minimum Viable Product

Coming across the results from the prototype phase in mind, we develop a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is a product with generic functional features, a light version of the ultimate solution that already works with actual data. The MVP is exposed to a minimal group of users for the sake of garnering product feedback. It is not expensive enough to modify the system at this point, than when it is completely developed. 

The cost for a chatbot-related MVP falls between $10,000-$20,000, depending on the total project size and complexity.

4. Chatbot Software Release 

As a result of this phase, the product with an entire set of predefined features is developed and then released into the market. During the preceding phases, we evoke and validate the exact necessities. So that the end product is made with minimal risk.

Summing It Up With Final Pricing:

The final cost of a chatbot varies and is calculated for each case in particular. Frequently software companies charge from $15,000 to $30,000 for a custom bot.

Chatbot Development Company in the USA set a minimum price of $30,000 for a simple bot that is eligible to reply to various users’ questions.

However, if you are in need of any guidance, you can always jump on our website for further information. Moreover, if you are looking to hire chatbot developers, needless to say, we will help you create one and allow you to see a promising project in the future. 

Hire dedicated chatbot developers


For sure. You can partially replace your customer service with a smart Chatbot that can answer most of the common questions of your customers.

Definitely! You can opt for multi-lingual Chatbot development services.

We provide hourly hiring, weekly hiring, monthly hiring, and also fixed cost project development. You can go for any model you are convenient with.

We can start working on your project as soon as the necessary formality is completed.

Just contact us and fill the form Or drop us an email at sales@inexture.com, and we will contact you very soon for your Chatbot Development project.

Written by Dharmesh Patel

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