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Software Development January 31, 2022

Your Next Web Development Project Need Angular Development Services

Written by Vishal Shah


Choosing the right framework to develop a dynamic application has a lot of bearing on the project’s success. As a business, you’ll have a lot of factors to consider, from the type of application, your budget and timelines. If popularity, robustness, and cutting-edge features are on your priority list, then you will do well to pick Angular. 

Angular is a highly popular and feature-rich web and mobile application development framework. The open-source framework has been making an indelible mark for itself since its inception way back in 2010. These incredible statistics about Angular should impress and give you a hint about its effectiveness and popularity. 

78.8K Stars in GitHub

0.31% Market Share

77,237 Current Websites

And, among professional developers, Angular is the 4the most preferred web framework, getting 22.96% responses in favor of Angular from around 67K responders. 

Your next web development project needs an exceptional AngularJS Development company. Why? We will try to explain why in this article.

Why Angular?

Angular is an open-source, client-based framework that allows developers to offer cross-platform and single-page applications that are powerful and simple. Created by Google in 2010, it has become a highly sought-after JavaScript framework that helps in developing interactive and flexible mobile and web applications in a short span of time.

How Angular Helps Develop Dynamic Web Products?

Angular is a game-changer for developing dynamic digital customized, flexible, responsive, and scalable products. Its speed and performance are top-notch, and developers highly prefer its ability to generate code. Have a great web app idea in mind that needs out-of-the-box thinking and management, hire AngularJS developer today. 

Let’s see what makes Angular the best-fit framework for any web and mobile application development project.

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Angular uses the MVC or Model View Control architecture that helps developers isolate the data layer, arrangement layer, and logic layer. With MVC, testing, debugging, and maintenance are easy. It simplifies handling larger projects efficiently, primarily since they deal with several thousand lines of code.

There are three components in Angular MVC architecture – Model, View, and Control.

The Model manages application data. It updates itself by responding to View and instructions from the Control.

The View takes care of the data displayed to users. It responds to the Control by displaying data in a specified format.

On the other hand, Control manages the relation between the View and the Model. After receiving input from the user, Control is responsible for validating the received information and performing actions based on the input, modifying the data model.

Benefits of Google Support

Google develops Angular, which perhaps is the most significant advantage of Angular. The Long-Term Support lent to Angular by Google is a testament that Google will continue its support and scale up the framework’s ecosystem further.
In terms of support, Google also furthers Angular’s fanbase by having Google Apps run on the Angular framework.

The Advantage of TypeScript

TypeScript, a programming language by Microsoft, helps Angular developers keep their code clean. It ensures higher and better-performing applications. It assists developers in spotting, identifying, and eliminating bugs and errors while typing the code. The TypeScript advantage in Angular helps develop enterprise-level applications comfortably.

Faster Application Development

With code-reusability and simplified MVC protocol, Angular is an excellent choice for developers. Where speed is crucial, it is suggested that you choose a reliable Angular agency for your projects. Angular is not only fast, but it is also easy to understand and simple to maintain. Moreover, it is structured so that it helps build and maintain larger projects more quickly.

With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript pre-built into the Angular framework, it is possible to manage all the required resources from a single location. Using HTML and JavaScript, Angular developers can build single-page applications without reloading the entire page each time.

When developers are working on applications with many views, their first choice of a framework should be Angular. Several filters in place help you filter and manage data more effectively.

Enterprise-Level Testing

The ability to find errors and solve them before it can impact the entire web application development process is crucial to the project’s success. Angular brings the effective dependency injection into play, and it is easier to test various components separately without impacting other dependencies.

A high-level unit testing allows developers to spot bugs and errors easily in a large project and meet deadlines more effectively. For unit or integration tests, this feature will come in handy. There is also the added advantage of easier maintenance.

Since AngularJS focuses on testability and ease of maintenance, developers can update all Angular packages together when there is a version upgrade. So, when you hire an AngularJS development company, look for developers who are adept at all these functionalities.

Auto-Sync with Two-Way Data Binding

AngularJS updates the View as and when the data model is changed or updated with the two-way data binding technique. Angular will keep track of the changing variables and ensure they stay consistent. With this feature, AngularJS makes it easy for developers to handle large projects with many lines of code.

Declarative and Intuitive UI

When you hire AngularJS developers, they can help you define the User Interface of your customized mobile application. HTML language can build an intuitive and declarative UI with ng-app, ng-repeat, and ng-model. All you have to do is map out the UI, and the Angular framework will take care of program flows.

Dependency Injection

Dependencies are objects that are crucial for the class to perform its function. Dependency Injection is a design in which the class calls upon dependencies from separate or external sources instead of creating new ones. Angular makes use of a dependency injection pattern that enhances its capability and makes using Angular simpler and efficient.

The idea behind dependency injection is to remove dependency by separating the creation of the object from its usage. It helps in faster completion and flexibility of the application by eliminating boilerplate code.

Are you ready for Angular to shape your mobile or web application?

Angular is the right choice if you want a faster, scalable, and flexible mobile or web application. If you build your app on Angular, you’ll be joining an elite club of mobile and web apps leveraging Angular, such as YouTube TV, Netflix, Upwork, Gmail, Forbes, and more.

Don’t be left behind!

Hire AngularJS Developers India to fully take advantage of this framework’s capabilities and functionalities. Its popularity is not without good reason. Get in touch with an experienced and reliable AngularJS development services that can build a fully-customized, highly-efficient application right out of the box.

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Written by Vishal Shah

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