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Software Development September 25, 2020

How to Build an Innovative Mobile App for your Business in 10 Easy Steps

Written by Vishal Shah


The mobile application market has expanded by bounds and leaps today and it is becoming more and more competitive. All these are possible with today’s fast-paced era where humans literally can do everything with a click on their mobile screen. A Mobile app for your business can make a lot of things possible for your business. 

Current businesses are also taking advantage of the smartphone era, and making their business more visible through their personalized mobile app. To make sure that your application stands out in the crowd, and get more visibility in this competitive market, the developers have to be very careful about the approach they strategize their mobile app development. The Best Mobile App Development Company plans the strategy beforehand so it becomes easier to create the conversion funnel.

10 Simple Steps to build an Innovative Mobile App

If you want to create a successful mobile application for your business, you need to go through a systematic approach. Here, in this article, we have summarised 10 easy steps to help you out in this process. 

1) Great Imagination

You need a great imagination to kick-start any mobile app development.

Identify your issue that can be resolved through your app. Find a purpose and decide what features you want to put in your application. It should offer your customers tangible benefits at reduced costs. Customers should be able to visit your business, visit your virtual store, and contact you through the mobile app. That is a standard requirement for most businesses that do business with us.

2) Define Target Audience

First of all, you have to first identify the target users for your application and must have a clear vision of targeting your audience. If the target audience is your existing set of customers, then you should design, develop and promote your app among your existing customers, and if the targeted audience is different from your existing customers, then you need to develop a strategy that helps you achieve a new set of customers.

You can target your audience by location, gender, interests, and age group. Different businesses target different audiences. E.g. a cosmetic products company targets women aged 18 to 35 in general. A beard care company targets men aged 18 to 45 in general. So, according to your services or products, you can target your audience.

3) Application Design

This is one of the most important factors that decide the success of your mobile app. Mobile App designers should spend some time on researching about the user behavior, and design the best UI for the customer base, and concentrate on the multi-touch gestures and consider platform design standards too. You should also consider some great design factors for great app design. Following the right design ideas has the potential to contribute a major amount to the success of your mobile app.

So, just follow the right design ideas, make it easier for the users to browse your mobile app, and they will love your app like anything.

4) Right Approach

Going with the right approach is very important for your mobile app development project. So, mobile app developers must develop an approach in accordance with the budget and time. If the approach is right, your app will get a huge success and everyone’s gonna love your app.

You just need to define how you will develop your app, which development paradigm you will choose, what technologies will be used and what type of model you will choose to hire mobile app developers.

5) Prototype

Having identified the right approach; the developers need to develop a prototype. A basic prototype that represents all the functions your app should have. It might not be perfect, but it will provide an idea of how the app will look and work like. It is the process of turning your idea into an application with basic functions.

Prototypes help you provide the idea to your client or the investor and make them aware of the app’s basic functionalities and features. The prototype model can later be modified and one can develop the final product from the prototype.

6) Analytics Tool

The next step is to incorporate appropriate analytics that gives you an idea of how many visitors are using your app, and how they landed on your app/site. Analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Localytics can make your mobile app highly remarkable. You just have to integrate those analytics tools with your mobile app, so when your app is released, you can know your user’s behavior on your app, and make a great decision for your product using those analytics.

7) Beta-Tester

When the app is all developed, it needs to be tested. You can’t just release that app directly to your customers. It might contain some bugs. So you need to test that app, so the next step is to select the beta-testers. Beta testers will provide feedback about your app, and they will hunt for bugs which may cause trouble to the users as well as your business in the future. So, they prevent those kinds of mishappenings by hunting down the bugs in your app. 

Beta testing is necessary for any app to be launched. A beta-testing app is distributed to a limited set of users who are ready to use your new app and willing to provide feedback for it.

8) Releasing

Releasing an app needs planning, scheduling, strategy, and control of various movements to test the environments. The major objective of any app deployment is to check the integrity of the app and ensure that the live environment is protected. When making sure that the live environment is working great, the app is ready for release. 

When the app is released it is available to all the users worldwide, and everyone can use the app from any corner of the world (well, unless it is restricted in any country).

9) Metrics

When there is a significant increase in the mobile application user, the need to capture accurate metrics is necessary. It helps you see the statistics of the users using your app. You can see when and how the users checkout, and you can even study the reasons why the user does not checkout. So, this will help you strategically plan your business and generate more revenue.

So, setting up metrics for your mobile app is necessary as it helps you understand your customer’s behavior, so you can plan your business accordingly.

10) Upgrade

Having captured the metrics, it is important to upgrade your mobile application with new features and improvements that are suitable to the users. When you release a new function or a new feature in your app, the users get excited about it and are most likely to use those features. 

Having the same app can be boring for the users, so you need to provide frequent updates, updated UI, and other stuff that keeps the users engaged with your app and make it a great success!

Final Words:
When you follow all these steps, you are already on the path to a successful mobile app. When you are not sure about your Mobile App Development, you can hire a Mobile App Development Companies that helps you with your app development project. Another option is you can hire Mobile App Developers to build your app and make it available for your customers. INEXTURE is the best Mobile App Development Company if you want to get your app developed. Just contact us or drop an email on sales@inexture.com and we will guide you for your next app development project.

Writen by Vishal Shah

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